Former Giants outfielder Aubrey Huff appears headed for a landslide defeat in the race for a Solana Beach school board seat, according to the San Francisco Examiner.
Huff earned just 17.5 percent of the initially counted ballots for the San Diego county seat. Huff’s opponent, incumbent Debra Schade, had 82.5 percent at the initial count. Huff’s initial vote percentage is the lowest of any individual running in a two-candidate race for a school board seat in the county.

Huff played for the Giants from 2010-2012, but the organization distanced themselves from him after a string of incidents in recent years. In 2019, Huff tweeted that he was teaching his children how to use guns in case Bernie Sanders won the 2020 election. In 2020, Huff tweeted that he’d like to kidnap Iranian women and bring them back to America so they could “fan us and feed us grapes, amongst other things.” Huff said the tweets were satirical.
Later that year, Huff posted disparaging comments about Giants assistant coach Alyssa Nakken, saying: “Couldn’t imagine taking baseball instruction from an ex female softball player. Have fun with that @bcraw35 @bbelt9 @BusterPosey.” That tweet, and others about Nakken, ultimately proved to be the tipping point for the Giants, who disinvited Huff to their 2010 World Series reunion.
Huff eventually had both of his accounts on Twitter and Instagram suspended, respectively.